Bible Terms

Bible Term: Minor Prophets

A prophet can mean the same thing as a preacher. It can also refer to someone who has insight into the future or predicts future events, which is called a prophecy. Many books in the Old Testament were written by or about prophets and contained their messages for repentance or predictions for future events. Many […]


Posts about the Minor Prophets

For the past several months, most of the A Bible A Day posts have been about the minor prophets.  Recall that they are called “minor” not because their prophecy is insignificant, but because their books are short! Though more posts may be added in the future, there are no more planned at this time.  See […]


Summaries for the “Minor Prophets” Have Been Added

Summaries for all the “Minor Prophets” of the Old Testament are now available online at A Bible A Day. These are more like a draft, than a finished work (which is the case of many of the book summaries and terms), So please provide your suggestions for more content using our contact form. Thank you

Bible Terms

Bible Term: Major Prophets

A prophet can mean the same thing as a preacher. It can also refer to someone who has insight into the future or predicts future events, which is called a prophecy. Many books in the Old Testament were written by or about prophets and contained their messages for repentance or predictions for future events. Many […]

Biblical People

Biblical People: Jonah (1)

Jonah is the best known of the Bible’s so-called minor prophets. He runs away from God and spends three days in the belly of a large fish. There he has plenty of time to think about his disobedience to God.  When the fish spits him onto the shore, God speaks to Jonah again. “Go to […]

Books of the Bible


The book of Amos is a record of the messages of the prophet Amos. As with most prophets, Amos’s message focused on current events for the people of Israel (the Northern Kingdom of Israel), but also had a secondary meaning, anticipating the life of Jesus. Amos was a preacher, or prophet, in Israel; he lived […]

Books of the Bible


The book of Habakkuk is a record of the messages of the prophet Habakkuk. As with most prophets, Habakkuk’s message focused on current events for the people of Israel, but it also had a secondary meaning, anticipating the life of Jesus. Habakkuk begins with questions about Israel’s foreign oppressors, including two revelations from God. Habakkuk […]

Books of the Bible


The book of Haggai is a record of the messages of the prophet Haggai. As with most prophets, Haggai’s message focused on current events for the people of Israel. Haggai was a contemporary of Zechariah, and his prophetic mission was to encourage the reconstruction of the temple by the returning exiles. Haggai focused on the […]

Books of the Bible


God told the prophet Hosea to do some strange and unconventional things. First, he was told to marry a prostitute. Next, their children were given bizarre symbolic names. Finally, after Hosea’s wife left him to return to her former life, he was told to go find her and take her back. All of these events […]

Books of the Bible


The book of Joel is a record of the messages of the prophet Joel. As with most prophets, Joel’s message focuses on current events, but it also has a secondary application towards the future, some of which has occurred and some of which is yet to happen. Little is known about Joel. When he lived […]